Monday, November 10, 2008

The Leaking Tap

Water,water!leaking from the tap,
what are you trying to tell me?
you are disturbing my nap!

My fair lady,listen to me carefully,
drop by drop,I fall in the sink,
my screw is loose,but you just think.

I make irritating noises,
all you have to do is listen to my inner voices.
Each drop represents a sorrow,
each has it's own path,for it to follow.

After one drops down,comes the next,
life gets miserable and you get vexed.
Collect the drops in a bowl,
and see me come alive,
now I will thrive!

Sorrows are a part of your life,
like drops are,of myself.
They will unite together and make you yourself,
don't be crestfallen,
as even I,have just taught you a lesson.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Relating with Relatives

My cousin is getting married this december in Chennai.She had come over to Hyderabad to invite a few relatives of ours here.So,I had to go along.We must have gone to around 6 houses atleast.Every house had couples,their children,and old people and every time they looked at me they would say"Oh Alekhya beti!wait for 2-3 more years,you will come here to give us your wedding card!",and I give them my whole-heartedly-half-hearted fake smile.Not even one person asked me about what I wanted to do further,what did I want to study.None.

I wasn't really surprised or annoyed.I feel thats how they perceive things and life.They are innocent.Unaware of today's world and its people,or maybe they just don't want to know.They think everybody was brought up the way they were,and every body brings up their children the way they did.If their daughter got married at 22,then even I should get married at 22 and take care of my family like they once did and are still doing.If their daughters stopped studying further after graduation,then me studyin further is beyond their expectations.And when I don't do anything of the above,then Iam spoilt and bad,because Iam not like them and neither are my parents.And they try new ways of making themselves feel good.They start looking down upon you.Because deep inside they know that you are doing way better than them or their children.I won't really call that jealousy.It's pure innocence and ignorance.Just a very childish way of making themselves feel good about themselves.

You can't help it too.You have to be around them at weddings,smile at them,nod at their stupidity and foolishness.Relatives are just a bunch,who think alike,and can do several things to boost their complex.Looking at them,Iam reminded of small kids.A kid makes friends with children who have similar toys and like or hate the same person whom he does.They play together with the toys they have,and make a gang of friends.Other children are looked down upon as they are expected to have similar toys to play with .So they are bad girls and boys.They are too innocent to realise that maybe those kids don't like the toys they are playing with.These people might have better toys at home,which they like to play with.Later few people grow up to be matured and learn different ways of distinguishing things.The other lot don't,and they are none other than our fakingly-loving relatives.But Iam sure all are not like that.There must be really cool relatives too who can think the way you do.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Yesterday,I was going through this guy's profile on orkut.His turn offs said"I hate girls who gossip".Its a very weird thing to think about I know,but it did make me think.I feel the very word gossip has been totally misunderstood.Who doesn't gossip?EVERYBODY does!When two people are are having a conversation,there is a mention of a third person.Isn't that natural?Whether you talk false stuff about the third person or true stuff, is secondary.The point is,that it is gossip because gossiping is nothing but talking about others.I mean how long can you only keep talking about yourself?You will mention different people,talk about their lives and affairs.Every sane person in his right mind does gossip.They think they don't,but they don't know that they are.Many people say that they hate the so called gossip-mongers but what they don't know is they themselves gossip too!

Degree of gossip is what matters.Too much is always too bad.General gossip is common.There is something which I call unecessary gossip,like"Kareena Kapoor thinks Saif is the best".Yeah right.Like I care!I mean what should I do if she thinks her boyfriend is the best?Clap?!Now that kind of gossip is plain rubbish.Creating rumours and spreading them,thats what I call hardcore gossip and of course is very annoying.

So gossip isn't bad afterall.Its an essential part of one's life,unless you have some psychological problems.I feel people who say they hate people who gossip or say they don't gossip are just being hypocritical;)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I Solemnly Swear...

I remember the first time when I heard the "f" word,I was in my 5th grade.The only thing I knew about it was that it was spelt as "f-u-c-k" and that it was supposedly a VERY bad word and should not be used or said out loud.But as it is,I was a very curious person back then too;).I didn't stop trying to learn the meaning of the word.I asked all my friends,and asked them to find out from their friends,who,if they didn't know,can ask their's and so on.I even asked my mom,and she said only grown ups can use it.Finally I got to know from a friend that using the word meant that you wanted to fight with your friend.And that day indeed,I did fight with a friend of mine and cried all day.So I promised to God,that I will never even try to use it again.After I got to know the actual meaning,you can guess how much I must have laughed!

But to be honest,I didn't use the word even once till I was 14,and that only happened after a girl in my school used it on me.She said "fuck off!" very smoothly and blankly on my face.I was stunned.I hated her for saying that to me.But nonethless,I used the word sometimes.

Then came what I called "The Bitch Age".Almost everybody used that word.But I didn't.Because I was told only dirty girls,who had boyfriends used it.(damn!I was funny!)So,all my early teens went on and I learnt two swear words in english.."fuck" and "bitch".

In Hyderabad,the place where I live,I learnt many new swears.You have an abundance of swear words that you probably haven't even heard."Maakikirkiri" is the most famous one out here.There are many other,but I might be judged at if I used them here.They mean really bad!hehe.They are super funny anyway!I laugh everytime I hear them.Our college bus driver uses them on every other vehicle driver on the road.I haven't heard anybody use them like he does!Typical Hyderbadi swear words.Everywhere I go someone or the other uses them.Even I do,but mine are a mixture of hindi,hyderabadi hindi and english.

Sometimes I am happy I know so many swear words,because I can get really abusive when I am pissed,and these words come very handy.I come up with new, self-invented,innovative abuses,just for the person who was the reason behind my annoyance.I can keep absuing and swearing all day.I feel so good when I abuse and let out all the frustration.It feels as if you have been holding a whole lot of junk in your tummy and have finally puked!