Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sayonara 2008!

Finally its the last day of the year.Tomorrow will be a brand new day,of a new month of a new year.The thing I am most excited about right now is the party we are going to have at a friend's place.There will be music,dancing,truth or dare,and at midnight,we have all decided to light candles in tribute to all the bad things that happened this year to the world and to our individual lives.A very divine way to welcome a peaceful new year.

This year has been a very unforgetful year for me.It has shown me many ups and downs in my life,precisely many downs and a few ups.It has shown me failure,loneliness,boredom,confusion,restlessness,depression on the negative front.But it has also shown me the strength of friendship,love,and in a way,the way of living life.It has taught me so many things that I probably,wouldn't have learnt had I not gone through all the rough phases.It has taught me to love life and live it even when it is colorless and blanched beacause thats when you realize the importance of a colorful life.And it has taught me well,and I have successfully learnt my lessons.Now its not very difficult for me to face upstreams,beacause I know how to climb them.

Life is such.And I am just happy to have lived to see the end of the twelve months and the beginning of the forthcoming year.

Here's wishing you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!:)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Yet Another Speaker..

After the Mumbai terror attacks,I refused to blog.I don't know why but I just didn't want to blog.Maybe because I was too depressed to express my traumatized feelings or maybe I was too tired reading people's blogs on the topic.I watched this show called "In Memory" on NDTV today.It was a show in tribute to the great martyrs who gave up their lives to secure the victims' lives.I cried.Who wouldn't?Anyone in their right minds,who has a heart will cry seeing all that.Thats all we can do.Cry.Give some condolence,feel bad for a while,and then slowly,we'll forget.Forget whatever happened,and move on as if nothing happened,because most of us have been fortunate enough to not be one of the victims,and to not have lost our near and dear ones.Initially,the attack shocks us,then we feel sad for the people who lost their lives,have discussion with friends,curse our nation's improbity and its leaders,write blogs expressing our anguish.But then what?How many of us have been able to do as much as we have talked on the very subject "our nation" and "terrorism".All we can do is hope that someone will come and help to curb garbage like this.Even I haven't done anything yet.Write now even I am just typing stuff which had been burried deep in my mind for days,and now is flowing out through my fingers.

I would call the NGOs and the cops who fought against the terrorists real human beings or real Indians.Many of us are just here to talk and discuss and debate.The TV reporter Vikram Chandra said something on the show today for which I wanted to start clapping.He said "We don't provide proper equipment to the NGOs,we don't encourage them,we totally ignore the fact that they are payed far less than many other people in this country.And now when they die,we gather here pay tribute to them."How true.It was like he was speaking my mind or many other people's minds.But how long are we going to only think and talk?We are a great nation-agreed.We have amazing unity-agreed.We are all rueful when it comes to terrorism-agreed.But how much is unity going to help us?and how much is thinking alike going to help?I am not going to talk about the politicians.I am too pissed for that.Our curses will not reach them,even if they do,they won't change,and having young and sensible politicians is like eons away.Maybe that can only happen if young minds like our's get stirred and we wake up and try and do something.I know I am throwing all those Rang de Basanti type dialogues,but you know,those dialogues were good!

The attacks in Mumbai were probably one of the most malignant attacks ever witnessed by the country.I am sure people will not forget this for a long time,but I have this hunch that gradually they will.But I have promised myself I won't.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Leaking Tap

Water,water!leaking from the tap,
what are you trying to tell me?
you are disturbing my nap!

My fair lady,listen to me carefully,
drop by drop,I fall in the sink,
my screw is loose,but you just think.

I make irritating noises,
all you have to do is listen to my inner voices.
Each drop represents a sorrow,
each has it's own path,for it to follow.

After one drops down,comes the next,
life gets miserable and you get vexed.
Collect the drops in a bowl,
and see me come alive,
now I will thrive!

Sorrows are a part of your life,
like drops are,of myself.
They will unite together and make you yourself,
don't be crestfallen,
as even I,have just taught you a lesson.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Relating with Relatives

My cousin is getting married this december in Chennai.She had come over to Hyderabad to invite a few relatives of ours here.So,I had to go along.We must have gone to around 6 houses atleast.Every house had couples,their children,and old people and every time they looked at me they would say"Oh Alekhya beti!wait for 2-3 more years,you will come here to give us your wedding card!",and I give them my whole-heartedly-half-hearted fake smile.Not even one person asked me about what I wanted to do further,what did I want to study.None.

I wasn't really surprised or annoyed.I feel thats how they perceive things and life.They are innocent.Unaware of today's world and its people,or maybe they just don't want to know.They think everybody was brought up the way they were,and every body brings up their children the way they did.If their daughter got married at 22,then even I should get married at 22 and take care of my family like they once did and are still doing.If their daughters stopped studying further after graduation,then me studyin further is beyond their expectations.And when I don't do anything of the above,then Iam spoilt and bad,because Iam not like them and neither are my parents.And they try new ways of making themselves feel good.They start looking down upon you.Because deep inside they know that you are doing way better than them or their children.I won't really call that jealousy.It's pure innocence and ignorance.Just a very childish way of making themselves feel good about themselves.

You can't help it too.You have to be around them at weddings,smile at them,nod at their stupidity and foolishness.Relatives are just a bunch,who think alike,and can do several things to boost their complex.Looking at them,Iam reminded of small kids.A kid makes friends with children who have similar toys and like or hate the same person whom he does.They play together with the toys they have,and make a gang of friends.Other children are looked down upon as they are expected to have similar toys to play with .So they are bad girls and boys.They are too innocent to realise that maybe those kids don't like the toys they are playing with.These people might have better toys at home,which they like to play with.Later few people grow up to be matured and learn different ways of distinguishing things.The other lot don't,and they are none other than our fakingly-loving relatives.But Iam sure all are not like that.There must be really cool relatives too who can think the way you do.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Yesterday,I was going through this guy's profile on orkut.His turn offs said"I hate girls who gossip".Its a very weird thing to think about I know,but it did make me think.I feel the very word gossip has been totally misunderstood.Who doesn't gossip?EVERYBODY does!When two people are are having a conversation,there is a mention of a third person.Isn't that natural?Whether you talk false stuff about the third person or true stuff, is secondary.The point is,that it is gossip because gossiping is nothing but talking about others.I mean how long can you only keep talking about yourself?You will mention different people,talk about their lives and affairs.Every sane person in his right mind does gossip.They think they don't,but they don't know that they are.Many people say that they hate the so called gossip-mongers but what they don't know is they themselves gossip too!

Degree of gossip is what matters.Too much is always too bad.General gossip is common.There is something which I call unecessary gossip,like"Kareena Kapoor thinks Saif is the best".Yeah right.Like I care!I mean what should I do if she thinks her boyfriend is the best?Clap?!Now that kind of gossip is plain rubbish.Creating rumours and spreading them,thats what I call hardcore gossip and of course is very annoying.

So gossip isn't bad afterall.Its an essential part of one's life,unless you have some psychological problems.I feel people who say they hate people who gossip or say they don't gossip are just being hypocritical;)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I Solemnly Swear...

I remember the first time when I heard the "f" word,I was in my 5th grade.The only thing I knew about it was that it was spelt as "f-u-c-k" and that it was supposedly a VERY bad word and should not be used or said out loud.But as it is,I was a very curious person back then too;).I didn't stop trying to learn the meaning of the word.I asked all my friends,and asked them to find out from their friends,who,if they didn't know,can ask their's and so on.I even asked my mom,and she said only grown ups can use it.Finally I got to know from a friend that using the word meant that you wanted to fight with your friend.And that day indeed,I did fight with a friend of mine and cried all day.So I promised to God,that I will never even try to use it again.After I got to know the actual meaning,you can guess how much I must have laughed!

But to be honest,I didn't use the word even once till I was 14,and that only happened after a girl in my school used it on me.She said "fuck off!" very smoothly and blankly on my face.I was stunned.I hated her for saying that to me.But nonethless,I used the word sometimes.

Then came what I called "The Bitch Age".Almost everybody used that word.But I didn't.Because I was told only dirty girls,who had boyfriends used it.(damn!I was funny!)So,all my early teens went on and I learnt two swear words in english.."fuck" and "bitch".

In Hyderabad,the place where I live,I learnt many new swears.You have an abundance of swear words that you probably haven't even heard."Maakikirkiri" is the most famous one out here.There are many other,but I might be judged at if I used them here.They mean really bad!hehe.They are super funny anyway!I laugh everytime I hear them.Our college bus driver uses them on every other vehicle driver on the road.I haven't heard anybody use them like he does!Typical Hyderbadi swear words.Everywhere I go someone or the other uses them.Even I do,but mine are a mixture of hindi,hyderabadi hindi and english.

Sometimes I am happy I know so many swear words,because I can get really abusive when I am pissed,and these words come very handy.I come up with new, self-invented,innovative abuses,just for the person who was the reason behind my annoyance.I can keep absuing and swearing all day.I feel so good when I abuse and let out all the frustration.It feels as if you have been holding a whole lot of junk in your tummy and have finally puked!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Living and Not Reading?! Pity..

Sometimes I wonder how it would be if there was a school where you didn't have to study for tests,internals,externals,vivas,to impress professors,tutors,your crushes..(phew!).Well that would be like a dream come true for me.I hate exams!Iam sure nobody likes them,leaving a few hard core nerds.But as a contrary,I can't imagine my life without books and reading.Iam not talking exclusively about subject books,but other kind of books.Books which contain fiction,non-fiction,drama,comedy,tragedy,biographies,autobiographies,fantasy,philosophy,and so on.

I love to read.And I can read a LOT!I have been fascinated by story books and fairy tales ever since I was a toddler, I was told.As a school kid,I used to badger my parents to buy me all sorts of books.Everywhere I went,I would only search for interesting books that I could read.I would read in the car,in the school bus,in the classroom,and every other corner where I could possibly find a comfortable place to sit and an just read.Library period in school used to be my favourite back then.When I was around ten years old,I started getting bored of Enid Blyton and other fairy tales.I started reading R.L.Stine's Goosebumps.Everybody in my class would fret his books,saying that his stories were scary.I found them amusing an fun to read.A few years later,in my early teens, I started reading R.L.Stine's Fear Street,then Franscine Pascal's Sweet Valley Junior,High and University.How much I enjoyed them!Sometimes I would ignore homework and continue reading these books.Not that my teachers wouldn't shout at me..they used to give me impositions!

I remember how much everybody was crazy about Harry Potter when I was in my 7th grade.I had always wanted to read them,but never got a chance to then.Later,in my 8th grade,my mother's friend lent me the first four books of Harry Potter.I read all of them in ten days.I was literally glued to them.I loved the books so much that I would wake up early in the mornings sometimes and read.This was when I started developing short sight.My mom had to shut the book in my hand and turn of the lights to tell me to bed.I would imagine myself as Harry Potter,or some other character from the book.I would sit and wish that Hogwarts existed,and that someone like Hagrid come and take me there.Post Harry Potter,I started reading Sydney Sheldon,and then James Hadley Chase,John Grisham,Robin Cook,Jeffrey Archer,and these days I am reading Paulo Coelho,Khaled Hosseini,Erich Segal and other such authors and many autobiographies,and how-to-live-life kind of inspiring books.

Yesterday,my friend asked me to send her an e-book of my choice(she doesn't read much).I did,and when I asked her today if she had started reading it,she told me that she had read just one page since yesterday!One page only.I wasn't really surprised because not many of my friends read.Some don't even bother to know what books are all about.I know different people have different interests,opinions and tastes and I don't have anythin against the non-readers.I agree with them too.But I pity people who don't read.I feel they are missing somethimg very deviceful and prolific in their lives.I mean how can people not read something beyond the first page.I don't know how they wouldn't want to know what the second page contains.Some don't even try to read.It remains a mystery to me,me being a total book worm which I presume you must have already concluded reading so much of my blog(if you have come this far into reading it;))Books can change you,atleast they have changed me.Made me a better person,given me a lot of knowledge about things I was absolutely unaware of.They brought a complete change in the way I percieved things,civilized my english speaking skills to a large extent,and have kept me entertained to date.I might be sounding very pre-determined and judgemental,but no I don't intend to sound like that.Maybe its just my love for reading and pity for thse who don't;)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sometimes,You Just Cry..

The other day I finally finished reading The Kite Runner.Frankly this was a second attempt to reading it,the first having failed on an account of depression the book led me to,but this time,I realised many things about the book that I hadn't when I tried reading it before.

The story is about two friends Amir and Hassan,and the plot set in Kabul,Afghanistan.Amir is a rich businessman's son and a Pashtun,whereas Hassan is his servant,a Hazara,a Mongolian tribe,considered one of the lowest castes in kabul those days.Nonethless they grow up together,utter their first words under the same roof,take their first steps in the same house and play together.

Hassan's father and Amir's father(Baba) also grew up together,so to Baba,Hassan is no less than a son.For Amir,this was what made him sad.He had always wished for his Baba's love,which he never really got,as Amir's mother died giving birth to him.He was envious of Baba's concern for Hassan,he being just a servant.He was envious of Hassan's intelligence,dauntlessness and the gift of just knowing things,being an illiterate.Sometimes Amir would humiliate Hassan for the heck of it.Just to see his reaction.He knew this was wrong and would also try apologizing,but wouldn't.But Hassan was a true friend.He could do anything for his Amir agha.He has a soul which is pure,delicate and that of a giving and a dedicated friend.His love for Amir,is something which you rarely get to see.

Amir on the other hand is sort of an introvert.He never fought for his things,always played on the safe side.This is what annoyed his father.But that was Amir's nature,and sadly Baba does not want to accept it.Amir was an innocent boy who loved his Baba more than anyone else,craved for his love and concern.

Amir and Hassan took part in the annual kite flying festival in Kabul every year.Amir flew the kite,and Hassan was his assistant.Hassan was the best kite runner in the country.He would run for the kites Amir cut and get them home for him.And that year,Amir had made up his mind to win the competition just to win his Baba's heart.After a lot of strain,concentration,and Hassan's help here and there,Amir wins the competition.Hassan is more than overwhelmed,and runs to get his Amir Agha the last kite he cut.He gets raped by three Pashtun boys,and Amir witnesses this,but does nothing.Just stands there and watches his childhood friend,his playmate,the boy who can die for him get raped.And then he runs away.Like a coward.Forgetting all the things Hassan did for him,his friendship,and just runs.Hassan still returns home with Amir's kite,and Baba hugs Amir.

Later,Amir drives Hassan and his father out of their house,by accusing Hassan of stealing his watch.Amir feels guilty,of what he had seen and not done.Everytime he saw Hassan,he is reminded of that day when Hassan ran the kite for him.Guilty of his cowardice,his ignorance,his attitude towards Hassan.He didn't want to see him again,as his memories rushed back like a gush of wind.He felt dead,trapped and couldn't share this with anyone.So Hassan and his father leave and go back to Hazarajat.

The Soviet invasion in Kabul,forces all the people there to go away to far away lands,including Amir and Baba who leave for America,due to depredation of their city.There,after several years,Amir still hasn't forgotten Hassan,his loyalty and unconditional friendship.Amir and Baba's realtionship smoothens an they share a great rapport.But he still is longing for redemption.Hassan still haunts him at times,until one day,circumstances demand Amir to leave for Pakistan where he learns many new things about Hassan and learns ways of being good again. He decides to heal the wounds in his life that he created himself and live in salvation.

There are stories that have made me happy,and sad.At the most moistened my eyes.But this book made me weep.It touched me like no other book did.At one point,I just shut the book,and started crying.I cried out of sadness and also happiness.That is what is so amazing about the book.It makes you think.Think about,friendship,about love,about life,redemption and about relationships that don't mean to last,or are just destroyed at one's own will.The book tells you that,one can never be completely bad.You can always be good again.It tells you what effect the past has on your present.When you finish reading the book,you will smile.Not because it has a cliched happy ending,but because it has a fair and deserving ending.I was so moved by the book,that I even downloaded the movie.Hats off to Khaled Hosseini's maginificient and sagacious narration.The book is grasping and contemplative and one of the best books that I have laid my hands upon to date.

Thursday, September 25, 2008



I looked into her sexy big eyes,
which made me forget the presence of flies.
The environment being sultry and dirty,
but the shine in her eyes made me feel funny and flirty.

I touched her smooth marble white face,
that made my brain jerk out of place.
"Oh what sexy curves" I thought
while getting scared that if I got caught.
Who cares,I still bathed her everyday,
watching her shine as if it were day.

I fell in love with many pretty ones before,
but not as beautiful as her,yes, loved her to the core.
Couldn't go to work without looking at her,
Couldn't wake up without dreaming of her.

But every night I would praise the man who made her.
"You are great man" I thought.
You are helping me be the envy of my friends!
Yes, because you made my Mercedes Benz!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Tagged By "Which is that one object you think represents you the best?"

A very interesting question,and finding a proper answer for it can be quiet a task!I had to rack my brains,think about all the possibilities,and zero on one answer.After I read the question,I was relating myself with every other object that my retina captured then.I had thought of the weirdest answers,some of them being,the door,the window,raindrop,rainbow,cough syrup!(yeah I actually thought of it),sofa,chair,computer,internet,etc,etc,etc.Then after 24 hours of brain racking,lateral thinking,and watever, I finally decided "sea" as the answer.Yes,I think the sea represents me.

Everybody likes to view the sea from the shore.The sea looks different in the morning sun and the night sky,and makes you feel good when you are lying on your back,looking at the waves.Many people go and play with the waves,try to swim with them.However hard you try,the waves will remain recalcitrant,wild and rough.The person trying to swim in it will have to try real hard to pass through them.Nobody will understand the nature of the next wave about to hit them.It gets more unpredictable by the minute.Tired and annoyed,some people decide not to swim any further,as going deeper gets impossible,irritating,scary and understanding the waves becomes a tiring process and soon the person's interest ends in apathy.They realise that the shore was a better place.But not all are like that.There are people who want to swim in it,want to face the waves,enjoy its unpredictability,and out of curiosity of what the sea holds within,want to probe and intrude deeper into it.

Once the person has passed through the sea's wild and crazy nature and has managed to go deep into it,he realises that it is as pleasant as any other water body and never meant any harm.Once he understands it,he will love to play with it all the time.He will realise that the waves, its craziness,obstinacy,impetuosity was just an initial phase,just like my hard outer guise.Some people like me,quiet a many don't,plausbily because they dont want to know the person beyond the hard outer cover.But its afterall one's own perception about a person.

One more thing about the sea is its tidal changes.My mood swings are like the tides,high,low,normal,an so on.They change more than twice a day just like the tides.I can be mad,sad,funny,scary,angry,pissed,emotional and happy,all in one day.

Well I guess thats how Iam,just like the sea.I might seem to you a stubborn,crazy,kiddish girl who gets angry very fast,can be brutally frank,extremely moody,and snobbish.But the more you get to know me,the more you realise how simple,pleasant and mature Iam inside.So on the whole,its all about how you know a person right!;)

Friday, July 25, 2008


In this cruel world,I see the clouds cry,
on the land that is dry.

In the daylight,I feel the sun's warmth,
blessing us with it's rays,washing away wrath.

Smelling the spring,I see,
new life,happy and free.

Hearing the wind,I appreciate,
nature's ways of making me feel great.

Tasting the summer,I realise,
how hard Iam working,to reach paradise.

Lying under the night sky,I sense,
a power above me,twinkling,
that has gifted me,my life.

A past that has led to the present,
A present that will lead to a future.
Smiling,I say out,"Its all a nature's way of nurture."

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The C-Section

Iam doing my 2nd year in Bachelor of Physiotherapy,and have a wide variety of subjects to study this year,starting from human pathology to microbiology to pharmacology to general medicine,surgery,gynaecology and obstetrics etc,etc,etc(phew!).So now and then I make sure that Iam in touch with my subjects because,you tend to find every subject obscure if not read on time.I have always wanted to be a doctor,and love my subjects,particularly surgery.

I remember this one special day of my life,where I got to witness a surgery in the first semester of my course,when even MBBS students themselves are not allowed to enter the hospital.Fortunately we had a very good friend who was a house surgeon in our college.I had once told him how enthusiastic I was about watching a surgery,live,and how I had never got the chance to.Keeping this in mind,he messaged me on my cell one day, when me and my friend were having our lunch as fast as possible as we had to attend a lecture the next hour.His message said:"Iam assisting a surgery,come to the hospital NOW!".Me and my friend got so excited that we shut our lunch boxes,grabbed our aprons and fled!We ran as if we had to win a race or something!

We entered the hospital and were absolutely blank.We didnt know where to go,what to do,whom to ask.As we were gasping and holding our breaths,a security guard came up to us and asked "are you physiotherapy students?",I said "yes".He asked us to go to the 1st floor,and into the operation theatre where our friend was expecting us.

Outside the OT,man...we were nervous!We left our footwear outside,and stepped in.We saw a marble floored corridor with stark white walls,and two doors to the left and right each.The corridor led to a circular amphi-theatre like room which I guessed was the main operating room.I saw all green robed people walking around fast,with a mask on their head,and face,screaming out to the nurses.We just stood there not knowing what to do,when we spotted our friend.He came to us and spoke fast,"go into the second room there,the nurses will give you their gowns".We didnt understand what he was talkin about!Finally he took us to the dressing room,and asked two nurses to help us change.They gave us what looked like pink gowns,made of plastic.We changed immediately,put on our masks,and got out.It then hit me that we were going to watch the operation dressed as nurses!

Outside the room our friend was on the phone,everyone around was walkin briskly,and quickly,but we just stood there staring at nothin.It seemed like one of the head surgeons there noticed that we were new to the strange place,he came and asked us who we were.Damn!what do we tell him?..our friend hadn't told us what to say when asked who we were!After all,students were not allowed to the OT so soon!Me and my friend were tongue tied!We didn't speak a word,we were just stunned.He asked again"who are you people?".Silence."Are you people deaf?Or are you dumb?!!".Again silence."You don't have mouths to speak?!Iam asking you who you are,can't you tell me?how do you suppose you can watch the surgery withou telling me who you are?Are you donkeys?No wait!you two are making me feel like a donkey here not answerin my questions!!"From behind came a voice which sounded so angelic at that moment "Sir,they are second year MBBS students".It was our friend!He saved our lives!We were almost shivering with fear.

We entered the operation theatre.It was a circular room,with all sorts of electrical instruments arranged symmetrically.The room smelled strongly of medicines which could have made anyone sick.There was a stretcher in the middle,with a glucose bottle hanging to its left,and an ECG screen to the right.Here and there around it were small trays filled with scissors,scalpels,forceps,cotton,etc.On the stretcher was a person lying to the side.An anaesthetist,injected the patient on the spinal cord,and was then made to lie down ventrally.The first thing I noticedwas the huge tummy the patient had.I gasped with excitement.We were about to wintess child birth!A caesarean!

Surgeons surrounded the stretcher and faced the patient who was now oblivious of what was happening to her,all thanks to the anaethesia.The head surgeon,an aged woman,took lead,and began the process.Our friend was assisting her standing next to her.He rubbed the pregnant woman's abdomen with some violet liquid which we later got to know was iodide solution.The female surgeon,took a scalpel,and made a neat vertical incision on the abdomen.I was amazed.I just kept sayin "wow!" in my mind all the time.The abdomen was cut,scissors were used to tear the internal attachments to the uterus,to seperate the muscles.We could not see what was happenin inside the abdomen as we were made to stand at a distance.All we could hear were the sounds of scissors and scalpels clattering.The surgeons,kept cleaning the blood with sterilized cotton.

After what seemed like a few minutes,I saw my friend put his right hand inside the patient's abdomen,and pull a tiny little baby head out first,and then pulled out the entire infant's body.It was an amazing sight!I was left gaping at it!It was a cute baby girl!I wanted to start clapping!The surgeon held her upside down on her legs,an gave her a small slap on the butt.She instantly started crying.She was handed over to the nurse to carry on the post-delivery jobs.It then suddenly struck me that we had to attend a lecture.We thanked our friend,changed and ran outside.

On our way back to our class,I had so many thoughts running in my mind.How mothers gave birth,how they carried another life in their tummies for nine whole months,how they cared for their babies,pampered them.Imagine a world without mothers!To put it bluntly,there is no world without mothers,they are creating it.And not to forget the surgeons!man,hats off to them!They are facing the biggest challenges in life.The entire life of the patient they are operating is in their hands!What must be going on in their minds while operating is incomprehensible.I started respecting them like never before after watching the surgery.I suddenly was so proud to be a woman,and a part of the medical field.I walked back to the class beaming.The whole experience was wonderful,and most memorable.We were probably the youngest students in the campus to have witnessed a caesarean,"the C-Section!":D

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dreams Unlimited;)

Everybody dreams,and Iam not any different.Dreams have always remained a mystery to me,and I think will remain so.Few people say dreams are what you have thought or had in mind all day,few others say,dreams are real life instances,and well even can predict your future(now..i don't really want to get into all that and Iam not talkin of day dreaming here!).I have read that you think even while sleeping,so obviously you cannot think right when your snoring your night away!So dreams to me are certain images that are nothing but cinematic scenes that run in your mind when your adrenalin secretion is absolutely low,and all you can do is sleep your emotions away and your brain is just not very energized to run "right".Most people don't remember what they saw in their shut eyes the previous night,but they do realise that something had been going on in their heads.That dreams come true,predict your future,or depict something,I have no clue,and wouldn't even mind ignoring all those issues.

People get funny dreams,sick dreams,scary dreams,depressing dreams,etc,etc,etc.I don't know how to categorise my dreams,because most of them are basically and simply "senseless".Some are so senseless and funny,that I have a good laugh thinking about them,as I remember almost all my dreams.I wanted to share with you some of the most hilarious dreams I have had the opportunity to view or visualise or create or whatever all in my cabbage sized brain!!:)

Its extremely weird and funny,because I once saw myself hitting saurav ganguly with my slippers on the cricket field!!He starts running to get away from me,and iam running behind him with my slipper in hand!!and guess what?Irfan pathan is watchin all this and laughing!hehe..In one dream,Harry potter,Ron weasley and Hermione granger,are fightin voldemort in my bedroom!and my paternal aunt comes over an wishes them luck!!!In one particular dream,I was standing outside this legendary Rajput palace,when Hrithik Roshan comes on a horse,gets down,comes over and asks me to marry him!:D.hehe..Just the other day,I dreamt that Kangana Ranaut invited me to her house to cheer her little daughter,whose name is also Kangana ranaut!! was that??I mean who dreams about kangana ranaut and her unexisting daughter!??!!And know what?Ranbir kapoor turns out to be my first cousin in one dream!..yeah.I know I see too many celebs in my dreams.

Coming to the weirder dreams.In this dream,I see that people all over the world have started to look like colourful building blocks!The body is a block,and the block has tiny four legs below it.And in another dream,we are all stamps!!the people are ruled by a "head stamp" and we are all workers working under him.When he says go "here" and "there" we move like a"collection of stamps"Weird!My best friend shot her crush dead when he made a pass at her in one dream!!now..what will you say to that?;)

One dream that repeats very often is that Iam falling from a certain height.Just falling,and most of the times I dont reach a destination.I'm just falling,falling...and falling.I used to wonder why that dream was so repetitive,but I just decided to care a damn!In one dream,I'm running away from something,in the woods,in the dark night.Its raining heavily,and I run away from something.Iam tryin to figure out what is happening,but all I remember is a bearded man's face.That dream scared me!I have even seen people dying,close ones most of the times in a few dreams.It would get me worried initially,but later I decided I was being very stupid.After all scientifically speaking,dreams are "ishtylish" thoughts of your own central nervous system;)

Finally I can say that my dreams are funny,scary,weird and a bunch of absolute non-sense images,but yeah most of them make me laugh really loud after I wake up from them:D.So its a good way to start a funny and happy day!Somebody said,"want to see your dreams come true?Go back to sleep!!"hehe,and I couldn't agree more!

Monday, May 19, 2008


Down the street lived a boy named Ramu.
All of seven,but was brave,
Tall for his age,dark and skinny,
big round eyes,and laughed very funny.

Innocence filled his eyes,
and laughter drenched in purity.
Day and night,he worked at a dhaba,
to make a living for his family.

With clothes rugged and dirty,
Ramu cleaned tables,Ramu washed plates,
Ramu served food,that tasted very good.
He never got to eat much,and his master was rude,
he never complained,though people were shrewd.
Ramu loved to sing,Ramu loved to dance.
He watched kids go to school,he played with stones,and they at the pool.

I once asked him "oye!don't you also want to study?"
he smiled and said "one day i will Didi!Life is full of twists,turns and surprises!"

A gas cylinder blasted at the dhaba the next day,
What games the Gods play!
Many died,and Ramu lost both his hands.

Looking at him,my eyes started watering,
I hugged him,"Ramu,how did this happen to you?",I asked crying.
He looked at me and smiled."Don't worry Didi,this is life,and it is full of twists,turns and surprises!"
And I just cried more.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"Terror-easy-m" in India

Last night i watched this movie called Parzania.Its about a Parsi family,in which a ten year old kid named Parzan goes missing during the Gujarat riots of february 28th,2002.Its all about how his parents,Shehnaz and Cyrus(Sarika and Naseeruddin shah respectively) try to find their missing son,all in vain.

It all begins when the hindu community in Gujarat decides to attack the non-hindus in their state,as they think its an insult to live in the presence of someone who doesn't belong to their community and religion,and the muslims had also killed many hindus in the past being a very obvious reason for their revenge(pathetic minds I say).Matters worsen,when the Hindus plan a surprise attack on the muslims.They build up a huge mob of 5000-10000 people,with swords in their hands,and kill everyone who seems to be a muslim.Old,young,no one was spared.They rape women of all ages,old,young and even little girls.Butcher men and stab children brutally,and burn a few on the roads.They don't even spare the unborn.They burn down houses and vehicles.The police do absolutely nothing.They neither try to stop the people attacking,nor help the people getting attacked.Most of them just stand there an laugh.When asked for help,they say,they havent been given orders to save them!how much more heartless can people get?More than a 1000 people were killed.From this devastating scenario,Shehnaz tries to escape along with her daughter Dilshad and son Parzan,who eventually gets lost in the crowd.To their sheer luck,they escape from the place,and hide in the fields until her husband Cyrus finds them.

Both parents,roam around the entire city in search of their only son.The police seem to be of absolutely no help at all.All they want is bucks.They grab a hansome amount of money from the people,and promise to help them,and then do NOTHING.In mental and physical grief,the family still doesnt give up.They try everything to find their son.

The high government officials hold a meeting with all the witnesses who escaped death on the depressing day.The police and the Hindus who attacked them,bribe all the witnesses to support the police when asked if they were of any help,and fake stories and tell them that the police were doing their best!Out of apprehension,they just do as asked.But a few people,go out fearless and tell the officials the truth.The guilty get arrested,but Parzan is still missing,and they never really find him.All that people do to help them is give them financial support.Can money bring back the dead and the lost?Don't people with minimum sense of humanity understand this?Or wait,is there no humanity in today's India?how..just how can poeple be so mindless,and heartless?

Seven blasts took place in Jaipur yesterday evening,and four more bombs were defused.More than 70 people died,and 200 injured.And you know what Sonia gandhi has to say?..."I condemn the Jaipur blasts!"...What a bitch!Has she ever even taken a step forward to curb terrorism?So many blasts have taken place.Local train blasts in mumbai,blasts at public malls in delhi,mosques in ajmer and hyderabad,and worse,blasts at eateries and children's park in Hyderabad!what has her congress government tried to do?And the bloody Italian female(I doubt if she is a female!) calls herself an Indian!What has she practically given or done for this country,except for giving speeches to innocent public?and mind you,and most of her speeches are absurd and obscure.Thats what politicians can do..give speeches,because as of today,nobody cares,because nothing has been done to them!Can you believe that people can actually get this selfish?They just sit on their chairs,strain an fatten their asses,and talk as if they own the world!We innocent people believe them blindly,when they promise us improvement and developement in the country,and give them our precious votes.Leave the terrorists, I think we should go and set all the good for nothing politicians on fire,and feed them to stray,infected dogs!

Finally this is all happening because of religious differences among people.If someone called "God" existed,then why is he lettin all this happen.If u love and belive in your religion,hasn't your god told you that killing is wrong?Is this what people should do in the name of humanity?kill innocent people brutally because they are not of a certain religion?Attack the people who are at fault.Why innocent men,women and children?How can someone have such destructive minds?Do they kill people out of their innocence of generalising that if one person is wrong,everyone is,or are they just so disgusting that they can murder anyone?I wonder if i can get all these answers(sigh).

Parzania and yesterday's events,depressed me.It made me realise that,in the present Indian scenario,with such cruel minds,and pathetic government,terrorism is probably the easiest thing that can happen to India,as there is technically no one to stop the terrorists from attacking.No wonder India has the record of maximum terrorist attacks.Iam sure terrorits just love our country..its so safe and easy for them,and makes them feel at home!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Dealing with the Dead (Part II)

Okay,continuing from where i had stopped.The next haunting was experienced by my school friend while she was doing her 11th grade.
3) So as it goes,my friend lived along with her mother and elder brother in hyderabad,and her dad worked in Banglore.She and her mom never really faced any problems in the flat they were living in,until one day,a 12 year old girl,committed suicide in exactly the flat opposite to theirs.She hanged herself to death,in her bedroom's balcony,which was clearly visible from my friend's bedroom window.She was a little depressed hearin about that little girl's death,but chose to stop bothering about it.But ever since her death,my friend would hear,strange sounds in her room.Rasping sounds on her door,she heard faint crying sounds,etc,etc,etc.Initially she thought it was just part of her wild imagination,but later she started fearing that maybe she was hallucinating things which made her feel insane.

One night,out of fear,she decided to sleep next to her mother,in her bedroom.When she woke up in the morning,the first thing her mother did,was give her a tight slap an said "dare u scare me like that again!!".Puzzled,my friend asked her what had happened.Her mother in sheer bewilderment,told her daughter that,the previous night,she had woken up and started laughing all of a sudden.When her mom got up to see what was happening,my friend looked at her mom,widened her eyes,an just smiled back at her.Scared,and worried,her mother slapped her,and thats when she went back to bed.My friend never understood who must have made her smile like that at her mother,because she didn't remember a thing!i lost touch with her,but im sure they shifted their house!

4) This happened recently.My cousin and his wife got transferred to Vizag.They found a beautiful duplex house there,for themselves and their son who iz just one year old.My cousin started his work there in his comapany,whereas,his wife decided to stay home for a few days with her son,until he got acquainted with the surroundings.

But as they lived in that house,they realised that it was strange.Every night,they would hear,children laughing,playin on the staircase,throwing toys,fighting an all that.My cousin's wife,once, was searchin for her son in the house.She searched the whole house,and finally cought him sitting in the middle of a dark room and it seemed like he was talking to someone.She just picked him up from there,and took him away(what scared her more was the fact that,her son was petrified of the dark!!).She realised that her beautiful house was haunted.

She spoke to my mother a few days back and told her that,such things keep happening in vizag,and she was used to it,as she was born and brought up there.Most dead people remain as spirits beacause of unfullfilled wishes,an they might be of no harm too.But apparently,she did't want her son to get affected by this,and they have started hunting for another house.Now thats what I call bravery!:O

So these were some true haunting episodes that I wished to share with you all.At the end of it,I would like to say that,yes,I believe that evil spirits do exist.But are they of harm or no harm,that i don't know,and would never..NEVER like to experience something like my relatives and friends did.Iam just not that brave to experience any sort of haunting!

I'll sign off now,because typing all this itself has scared me,an more over I started writing this after watching a fresh episode of "haunting" on discovery channel.To people who don't know about that series,try wathcin it sometime.They show true ghost experiences an hauntings in it.Its pretty good,but not all that scary.Horror movies scare me more!:D,anyways,chao..till i write my next post!
Happy Haunting!:P

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Dealing with the Dead

To be frank,i have always believed that something called "ghosts" existed,and in a way was fascinated by them,not that iam not scared..oh yes iam shit scared!But ever since i was a kid,i would always sit and search for more and more "real" stories about ghosts,and their hauntings,though i feared them.I would read scary novels(R.L.Stine was my favourite author then),surf the net about true ghost stories,check out ghastly images of "true ghosts",and at the end of the day,get freaked out,not sleep for nights,but would still sit and read about them next day!(I still do that:D).So after all this,i decided that i shouldn't be the only one getting scared,you people have all the rights to get scared too!:P..and who knows,maybe all the non-believers might start believing in evil spirits and ghosts after readin this post!well,let me share with you,some scary experiences that my relatives and friends had,and also some partially scary experiences I had.

Starting with the earliest knowledge i gained about true ghost hauntings...

1) My maternal uncle had newly rented a huge duplex flat in chennai,and moved in with his family(himself,his wife,their daughter and son).The house was beautiful,and my uncle and his family were totally proud of it.That night,after my cousins fell asleep,my uncle and his wife decided to check out the terrace of the apartments,there being a power cut too,they wanted to breathe in some fresh,they went up,and my uncle was casually taking a glance at the surroundings,and the view from the terrace,when he felt a ball of wind give him a blow from behind.He looked behind,just to find absolutely nothing.he called out to his wife,and reported to her what he had felt,and after a while he just realised that he was being stupid panicking about it.both of them stood there for a while,and when they were just about to leave,both uncle and his wife heard a pleadin voice call out "amma" right behind them.this time they really panicked because,they were the only ones on the terrace,and somebody calling out to them like that,freaked them out.They just ran downstairs,and locked themselves up in their new house,which had already started gettin scary.

A few days later,my aunt got to know through the watch man that a maid who worked in their flat for a family who lived there before,had committed suicide by jumping from that very terrace they had visited the day before.Apparently,she took the extreme step as she could not stand the imprudent torture her mistress was giving her.She jumped from the terrace an died exactly outside my cousins' bedroom window..and their bed lay just against that very window!To my misfortune,i had gone to their house for a couple of days,and i was asked to sleep right next to that window all the nights I stayed there!!!:O.I almost died of fear,but thankfully,nothing unusual had happened.

But unusual things were happening with the watchman and his wife.One day,my uncle went out shopping with his family and came back really late in the night.It must have been around 1am in the morning,my cousin opened da entrance gate,and my uncle was just about to park his car when,he saw the watchman's wife,lyin exactly next to the car parking space,with her hair all let loose,staring right up as if she saw something there,and was humming songs!!naturally the whole family freaked out lookin at her ghastly expression and behaviour.The thing that worried my aunt the most was that,that woman worked as a maid in their house.

Nothing really preposterous happened after that,until one night when when my uncle heard someone furiously poundin on their main door.He woke up frightened,and opened the door,to find the maid(watchman's wife)standing there,looking scared,helpless,with her hair all let loose.Before my uncle could say anything,she just ran inside to one of their two bathrooms,sat on the floor,and just stared at them!her husband came in with some goblet like thing in his hand,sprinkled some kind of water on her,and took her away.Next day,the watchman apologised to my uncle,and confessed that his wife was being possessed by an "evil spirit",and the thing he had sprinkled on her last night was holy water.My uncle and his family didn't live in that house very long.

2) Another story that freaks me out the most is,the house next to my maternal grandparents house.Its haunted.
Only two people lived there apparently,an old lady,with her only son.The son got into bad company an joined the local naxalites(terrorist troop of andhra pradesh),and ran away from home,leaving his mother with no money for food,or clothes.She starved and starved,and died one day.She had died a very lonely death.The day she died,there was a puja being performed at my grandparents' place.That night,my aunt woke up somewhere around 2am,to go to the freshroom.At that time,the bathrooms were situated at the backyard of the house,where my uncles,an grandfather parked their vehicles.My aunt,opened the backyard door,and stepped out.Before she could walk further,she saw the most unusual thing happen.My grandfather's scooter started ferociously shaking!And it was a cloudless and windless night.You can't even blame such behaviour of the scooter on the wind!My aunt panicked and went inside.

Two days later,my grandfather thought he smelled something really bad,and realised it was coming from the house next door.He went into the house,to find the old lady sprawled dead,and a black cat sittin next to her.Then he realised what the fetidness was all about.Her only son heard the news,and only came to burn her pyre.After thet,my grandparents would always warn me and my cousins not to go on to the terrace after sunset.But we curious kids did go one morning.I went,and the only thing I did was peep into that haunted house's backyard,and thats it!that was more than enough to scare me to go onto any other terrace again!The backyard was the shabbiest backyard I had seen.Barren trees all over the place,trash,weeds,dust,broken twigs and what not!the house looked like a shack from behind,and had broken windows.Anyone could conclude that it was haunted having a superficial glance at the house.

And the most weirdest thing was,the front part of the house had two windows directed towards the morning sun,but the house would never let in even a single ray of light inside.The house always looked dark and spooky.There was a barren mango tree right next to that house,which started reproducing fresh leaves,flowers and fruits,after the old lady's death.Sources said her spirit sat under the tree everyday.After a few years,the government officials,got the house broken down.i hav a few more stories to write,but i guess this one post will become unusually long;) so will stop here.I'll write the rest of the stories sometime later as a continuation of this post.
have a scary day!:P

Monday, May 5, 2008

Summer Strangulation

well to begin with,the only thing thats dominating the lives of the hyderbadis the HEAT!(im sure its like this in most parts of india too).it feels as if iam moving around in a huge autoclave(with roads,buildings and people in it!!)and to make matters worse..we were actually asked to come to college till today!(what were they thinking?)..yeah if i would go..i have been cooly bunking college for like 2 weeks now!,but the thing that makes me say"wtf?!!",is that..most college students have got final exams at this time..that too in the afternoon!now..thats what i call "unescapable torture".I so pity them!and hyderabad has all professional colleges located in the outskirts of the city..imagine travellin 40-50kms in the afternoon..just to write the final exam!(sigh)most people sweat it out at work too far as iam concerned,im kinda having a blast!;)sitting in my room,right under da air conditioner,surfing the net,hogging on icecreams,listening 2 music(rock rules!),sleeping,watching movies, cartoons..(i watched 2 cartoons yesterday..ratatouille and madagascar:D..)hanging out with pal..talkin on the phone for hours..eating my bro's head..hehe and i almost forgot..IPL matches!(deccan chargers suck!)..all this apart..i still hate summers!sometimes i wish i was made of non-melting ice or sumthing :.the only thing i like about summers is the LOOOOONG vacation the college gives us...1 month!(yeah.thats pretty long for me!)okay..i guess ill sign off in the "rammstein" mood..will listen 2 him scream for sometime..chao!