Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sayonara 2008!

Finally its the last day of the year.Tomorrow will be a brand new day,of a new month of a new year.The thing I am most excited about right now is the party we are going to have at a friend's place.There will be music,dancing,truth or dare,and at midnight,we have all decided to light candles in tribute to all the bad things that happened this year to the world and to our individual lives.A very divine way to welcome a peaceful new year.

This year has been a very unforgetful year for me.It has shown me many ups and downs in my life,precisely many downs and a few ups.It has shown me failure,loneliness,boredom,confusion,restlessness,depression on the negative front.But it has also shown me the strength of friendship,love,and in a way,the way of living life.It has taught me so many things that I probably,wouldn't have learnt had I not gone through all the rough phases.It has taught me to love life and live it even when it is colorless and blanched beacause thats when you realize the importance of a colorful life.And it has taught me well,and I have successfully learnt my lessons.Now its not very difficult for me to face upstreams,beacause I know how to climb them.

Life is such.And I am just happy to have lived to see the end of the twelve months and the beginning of the forthcoming year.

Here's wishing you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!:)


Pallavi said... true!! this year has been quite eventful for me too..no1 knws dat better than u
Happy new year to u too :D

Pallavi said...

the whole thing actually rhymes!! :D