Monday, March 9, 2009

Mind's a Mystery,So Sell it Clever!

Mahatma Gandhi once said “You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind." The quote moved me.The mind indeed is one of the most treasured tools of an individual.Polish it and use it regularly well,or leave it to rust.It is ubiquitous,nebulous and traditionally genetic.It is a possession that cannot be comprehended fully by anyone,sometimes by one's own self too.

Mind is clever,imaginative,nervous,intuitive and many more things which is beyond exegenesis.The mind is the reason behind every deed an individual performs.It can memorize a small multiplication table to be responsible to a terror attack.A small cabbage sized organ like the brain,can create a larger than life big bang theory and can destruct people's lives through terror attacks.Its a mystery to me that a small mind could be responsible for everything that we do.

Different people have different opinions and ideas.Some people decide to use them,some people don't. They prefer to stay in their safe little box and maintain a low profile. I believe everybody in this world has extraordinary ideas.Ideas that can change the world's outlook. But somehow people refuse to use them,discuss them. Maybe due to inhibitions,lack of confidence or ego.Again here,the mind plays a trick.Its multitasking amazes me!It can produce,inhibit and reproduce at the same time.It is even capable of storing trash! For instance,I remember my father's old friend's brother's second daughter's birthday(whom I haven't met or seen till now).Yeah you can call me mad,but honestly,I can't erase it fron my head. Okay I am deviating from the topic I was talking on now.See what my mind does sometimes;). So ideas can be clever,dumb,useful,useless and so on. But how will anyone know what your mind is like unless you share your thoughts? Generating ideas and thoughts and not putting them to use is equal to being dead.

In the current scenario that we live in,the mind can get constructuve or destructive. Its all about how you set you neurons to work. Let your mind,filled with clever ideas help the world be a better place to live in,or let it get involved in world destruction,or maybe let it do nothing. What ever you let your mind do, directly or indirectly effects every one around you.

And I can go on and on about this. Even books written by Mario Puzo haven't been enough to be able to prove what the mind is actually all about. So its an ocean,and my blog has by far been too hypothetical to keep you interested anymore,so I'll stop here.

"Great minds discuss ideas,Average minds discuss events,Small minds discuss people."-Eleanor Roosevelt. (I don't know how much I agree with this,but yeah cleverly worded.)


spideyyan said...


wat was that again?


dint understand a single word about such a long comment....! It was a blog? Ok Ok.

But I was reminded of only one punch line of urs when I read the title.....


spideyyan said...

the first three words were for the title......hope thats urs....!


next time, elaborate on some nice topic...

HEY, I dint say the blog was waste......I dint understand ur complicated

Pallavi said...

Dont even dare delete this!

You've written about something which I've been wanting to write from a very long time. You've done a good job.

Its all in the mind like they say. Its like The Matrix philosophy (I SO love that movie!! Can watch it a zillion times).

"If reality is what we see, feel, taste and touch, then it is nothing more than neural impulses generated inside your brain."-Morpheus (The Matrix)

spideyyan said...

"clap clap clap clap......"

The Illuminator said...

Which means I have a small, medium and large mind!! :)