Monday, March 30, 2009


Today, I was going through some of the old posts I hadn't published, when I came across this one. I had written this on 23rd October 2008. I couldn't stop chuckling at the stupidity of it, and was amused by how much things have changed in the past few months! I don't know why I didn't post it back then, maybe because I knew it was stupid!

It's been exactly three days that I finished writing my final exams..and you dont want to know how bored and lazy I already feel!"Alekhya!wake up!"..that's how my day starts these days.."wake up!its 11.30am!" and goes on.. my mother's screaming.I dont blame her though..I have become a lummox!

I have only been readin from the past few days..I finished reading The Kite Runner finally!This has been my second attempt to readin it,first having failed on an account of depression that the book led me to.There have been books which touched me,at the most,just moistened my eyes,but this book made me weep!At one point,I actually shut the book and started weeping.I was so moved by it,that I have started downloading the movie now.I hate u-torrent sometimes,or maybe my computer doesn't like me!It refuses to download successfully everytime I am dying to watch a movie.I tried limewire,but my luck was so damn good that after downloading 83% of the movie,it said error..and went down to 9%!(sigh).So the point is,Iam still downloading it,and have decided to stick to torrent,and will definitely smash my PC if it doesn't download the movie properly this time!(how I wish I could do that!).I have started reading A Thousand splendid Suns now.

These days I miss my school days a little too much.I did my schooling from Our Own English High School,Sharjah,U.A.E.I came to India after my 9th grade,and started studying here.I so hated it,but I managed to pull it through.Sometimes I wonder how my life would have been had I studied the rest of my grades in Dubai.It would have been like a cliched "zameen aur aasman ka farak" kind of a difference,but yeah,I wouldn't have been what I am now.So the point is I am bored,and out of ennui,I am being nostalgic!

You know sometimes people can get so damn annoying!I hate my college!Its probably one of the most "un-exciting" and "un-happening" colleges in the world.And people there are such that even if you sneezed,the entire college will get to know where you sneezed,at what pitch you sneezed,if you covered your face while sneezing,or where your hands were while sneezing,and when you sneezed within a day minimum.(I hope you got my exaggeration).In short everybody gossips about the dumbest thing around, which is so not me.So I feel outcasted in a wonderful college like that. Having only one friend who atleast to an extent is like minded,can get frustrating. But in a way I have got used to it since I had no other option!
I so want to go out of town! But everybody around me seems to be busy.But I am still waiting for college to re-open so that there will be some academically challenging things to take up with a whole new set of subjects waiting to play with my brain! I hope they dont bore me too.Kathak classes are fun though. Sir makes us dance for a whole one hour or more sometimes,that makes me feel fresh and I love kathak. I am waiting to perform on stage,but that might take a while.Besides all this, I catch up on my favourite comedy movies or serials,because laughing is like my stress buster and also makes me feel on the top of this world.I love to laugh.When me and my best friend get together,we laugh so hard that people at my place get scared hearing us sometimes!My brother tells me he has nightmares about our laughing.Yeah right.He is another bluffing buffallo.I love annoying him,and he annoys me more!

Anyways,I'll sign off before I write any more crap.I'll get back to reading and will go do kathak for an hour in the evening.


Pallavi said...

Well well well..someone was extremely bored to churn out absolute non sense like this! :P
But then again, we all have our "bored out of our senses" days. ;)