Thursday, April 16, 2009

There..I finally casted my vote!

I voted today, and I feel elated! Me and my best friend were so excited that we woke up early and went for a morning walk before casting our votes. We stood in lines, waited till our legs almost dropped down, and finally got the black mark on our fingers. My friend and I have started calling them "The Fingers". We even considered not taking our bath for a few days! But you can't do that if you have your mom around. On the whole, it was a crazy, tiring and most importantly the day we voted for the first time! :D. To the people who haven't voted because of the problem with registration and voter cards, I feel sorry for you, the system sucks. For those who didn't even bother to get registered, I feel sorry for you too, you so need to get a life.


The Illuminator said...

Yeah! That's so cool. I will vote too...hopefully. And it's "My best friend and I" not "Me and my best friend"

Labyrinthine said...

Chalta hai. Its a blog, I was not writing an article;)

Pallavi said...

We walked, we voted and we slept. All hail THE finger! ;)